Welcome to the DCK med website

FUTREX® Exclusiv-Distributor and Service-Center in Europe

Your Specialist for Medical Diagnostic Systems in Germany



For more than 25 years experience


For many years, the hydrostatic weighing method (Golden Standard) was the only way to determine body fat accurately. However, this method is very expensive, time consuming and uncomfortable. The Diagnostic System "FUTREX® Body Composition Analyzer" has shown for more than 25 years, with several thousand units sold, to be much cheaper, easier and much faster and can still be performed with the same accuracy.


Never before is the DIAGNOSIS of body composition so important as it is today. "The evidence is overwhelming that obesity, which is the excessive storage of fat, has affected the health and lifespan significantly" (NIH: National Institute of Health)



The professional FUTREX® Software 


The professional FUTREX-Software for your professional Medical Diagnostic-System "FUTREX Body Composition Analyzer".


Additionally, the near-infrared spectroscopy FUTREX® via the FUTREX® Software allows local measurements on any parts of the body - for example, stomach, legs, buttocks. This local measurement reveals problem areas and provides a before-after analysis.




Film about the FUTREX® Near-Infrared Technology

iPEx5 Präventiometer
iPEx5 Präventiometer
FUTREX® Software
FUTREX® Software
FUTREX® 6050A/Pc
FUTREX® 6050A/Pc



DCK med GmbH

FUTREX® Exclusiv-Distributor and

Service-Center in Europe



Echterdinger Str. 111

D-70794 Filderstadt

(Near Stuttgart Airport & US Airfield)


Phone: +49 (0)711 - 9077457-14

Mobile: +49 (0)172 - 7291199

Fax: +49 (0)711 - 9077457-57


Email: e.dangerfield@dck-med.de

Contact Person: Edwin D. Dangerfield